Sunday 16th February |
Ganton |
10.00 am |
Mattins |
Muston |
10.00 am |
Morning Worship |
Willerby |
10.00 am |
Morning Prayer |
Hunmanby |
11.00 am |
Morning Worship |
Hunmanby |
5.00 pm |
Worship Hour |
Wednesday 19th February |
Ganton |
6.30 pm |
Compline |
Jeremiah 17 v 7
But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him.
Memory Verse of the week – the 2025 challenge
Join us each week memorising a verse from Psalm 118.
Psalm 118 v 8
It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in people.
And the recap of the 2025 Memory Verse challenge …..
Psalm 118
1 Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.
2 Let Israel say: “His love endures forever.”
3 Let the house of Aaron say: “His love endures forever.”
4 Let those who fear the Lord say: “His love endures forever.”
5 In my distress I cried to the Lord, & the Lord answered me & set me free.
6 The Lord is for me, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?
7 Yes, the Lord is for me; He will help me. I will look in triumph at those who hate me.
8 It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in people.
The Rev Peter Richard Kay
….. has been appointed the Vicar of the Benefice of Hertford. The Bishop of Hull will officiate at Peter’s institution service at 7.30 pm on Thursday, 1st May 2025 at All Saints Church, Hunmanby.
Please do put this date in your diary.
Peter and his wife, Tess with their son, Gus look forward to joining us.
Let us give thanks to the Lord for answering our prayers. Please keep the Kay family in your prayers.
Today - ‘Sunday JAM’ (Jesus & Me) Click Here
at 11 am for school age children in the Church Hall, Hunmanby.
Do remind family and friends & pray for this group!
Something for everyone Click Here
This course is so encouraging, informative and challenging.
Join us as we look at the Lord’s Prayer, on Wednesday mornings from 10.30 am, in the Church Hall.
For more information and to book your place, please speak to Naomi Thorp (01723 892628).
It is not too late!
Mens Breakfast Click Here
When: Saturday 1st March 9 am
Where:The White Swan
What: Bacon or Sausage Sandwich with coffee & tea
Speaker: Andy Hall
Talk entitled ‘The Lions Roar for Scotland’
For tickets contact: Steve Cunningham on 07554 117321
Scarborough Deanery
‘Prayer for our Churches' event
At St Nicholas Church, Ganton on Sunday 2nd March from 3 pm.
Open to attend any time between 3pm and 5pm
Ash Wednesday Service
There will be an Ash Wednesday Service on Wednesday 5th March
at 7.00 pm In All Saints Church, Hunmanby led by Reader Julie Hay.
Sunday 23rd February |
Muston |
9.30 am |
Holy Communion |
Ganton |
10.00 am |
Holy Communion |
Hunmanby |
11.00 am |
Joint Service at All Saints |
Willerby |
11.00 am |
Holy Communion |
Hunmanby |
5.00 pm |
Holy Communion |
This information on all services during the month can be found at
Telephone number: 07507 862117
Email address:
All Saints Church, Hunmanby Facebook
Reminder for Housegroups Click Here
On Wednesdays from 7.30 pm in the Church Hall, everyone is meeting together for 8 weeks.
Please don’t arrive early as the Rainbows will be finishing their session. This is for everyone who is in a house group or who have signed up to be in a house group.
2025 Preparation of new Church Electoral Rolls
In 2025 every parish in the UK must prepare a new church electoral roll (this happens every 6 years in the Church of England). Thank you to everyone who has already completed their form! If you haven’t given a form in, please do so asap. (Forms available at the back of church and there are people available if you would like help in completing the form.)
Hunmanby Church Diary for the week
From 1 pm Knit, Knatter & games group in the Church Hall
10.30 am The Prayer Course
7.30 pm Housegroup Meeting
9.30 am until 10.30 am Informal time for praying together in the Church. Click Here