Sunday 26th May |
Muston |
9.30 am |
Holy Communion |
Ganton |
10.00 am |
Holy Communion |
Hunmanby |
10.30 am |
Joint Service at Cross Hill |
Willerby |
11.00 am |
Holy Communion |
Hunmanby |
5.00 pm |
Holy Communion |
Online Message of the week can be found here:
John 3 v 5
Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.”
Update on the Vicar’s recruitment process
The advert went back into the Church Press (national press) last week, and so please can you double your praying. The closing date is Sunday 9th June.
Kath Stanforth, one of the Churchwardens from Willerby has provided the following prayer for everyone in the Benefice to pray:
"Lord, we are the churches of Hertford Benefice, - and we need your help.
Since Tim's retirement last year, we've been without a vicar - a guide, teacher, and friend - and we need one.
We are five churches - all different and unique, and with different challenges - but we need someone to unite us and take us forward in your spirit and love.
Lord, we know you have someone in mind - please lead them to us.
Thank you for the retired clergy - like Liz, Danny, Paul, and Ray, - who are supporting us with their ministry - and for the church wardens and laity who are trying to lead worship.
But Lord we need a proper vicar, to help us grow - as special and unique as we are.
Lord, please send us a vicar soon. Amen.”
The course on the Foundations of our Faith Click Here
7.00 pm every Tuesday in The Spring, 4 Stonegate, Hunmanby
It is not too late, if you would like to join us, and you are welcome to any session. If you are new to the church, or are new to faith or if there are things you’d just like to understand better or if you just want to deepen your knowledge – this is for you. There is a short video with time for questions & discussion. Please see Robin Deering or Robin & Val Crosby for more information or phone 07507 862117 and one of them will get back to you. Please bring a bible and pen!
Telephone number: 07507 862117
Email address:
Sunday 2nd June |
Hunmanby |
8.00 am |
Holy Communion |
Muston |
9.30 am |
Morning Worship |
Willerby |
10.00 am |
Holy Communion |
Hunmanby |
11.00 am |
All Age Service |
Hunmanby |
5.00 pm |
Worship in the Spring |
Ganton |
6.00 pm |
Evensong |
Sunday 9th June |
Folkton |
9.30 am |
Morning Worship |
Ganton |
10.00 am |
Mattins |
Muston |
10.00 am |
Morning Worship |
Willerby |
10.00 am |
Morning Prayer |
Hunmanby |
11.00 am |
Holy Communion |
Hunmanby |
5.00 pm |
Evening Worship |
Sunday 16th June |
Ganton |
10.00 am |
Morning Prayer |
Muston |
10.00 am |
Morning Worship |
Willerby |
10.00 am |
Sunday Worship |
Hunmanby |
11.00 am |
Morning Worship |
Hunmanby |
5.00 pm |
Worship in the Spring |
Wednesday 19th June |
Ganton |
6.30 pm |
Compline |
Sunday 23rd June |
Muston |
9.30 am |
Holy Communion |
Ganton |
10.00 am |
Holy Communion |
Hunmanby |
11.00 am |
Joint Service with Methodists at All Saints |
Willerby |
11.00 am |
Holy Communion |
Hunmanby |
5.00 pm |
Holy Communion |
Sunday 30th June |
Ganton |
10.00 am |
5th Sunday Joint Benefice Holy Communion |
The Spring & All Saints Church, Hunmanby Facebook
Saturday Morning Prayer meetings in the Church
9.30 am to 10.30 am every Saturday
The time of this meeting has been extended to a full hour to enable more people to attend; just popping in at any time during this period. The purpose of the meeting is to pray for the extension of God’s kingdom in our community. This is an informal time of prayer that covers the whole parish & the church family.
The Spring Café
The Café is open on Thursdays & Fridays with an interim menu.
On Mondays to Wednesdays, the Spring building will only host group activities, at specific times. The café will be closed – i.e. the café menu will not be available on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Monday Groups Day – Café closed i.e. no café menu
From 9.30 am Hun-Free Fridge in The Spring
1.00pm Knit, Natter & Games Group only All welcome £3 per person
Tuesday Groups Day – Café closed i.e. no café menu
7.00 pm NEW Foundations of our Faith in The Spring – see notice
Wednesday Groups Day – Café closed i.e. no café menu
From 11.30 am CAMEO Group Lunchtime meal All welcome
From 10.00 am to 2.30 pm Café open for tea/coffee, sandwiches, cakes and light bites.
From 10.00 am to 2.15 pm Café open for tea/coffee, sandwiches, cakes and light bites.
From 2.45 pm Hun-Free Fridge in The Spring
9.30 am to 10.30 am Prayers in the Church