Sunday 1st Sept |
Hunmanby |
8.00 am |
Holy Communion |
Muston |
9.30 am |
Holy Communion |
Willerby |
10.00 am |
Holy Communion |
Hunmanby |
11.00 am |
Baptism Service |
Hunmanby |
5.00 pm |
Worship Hour |
Ganton |
6.00 pm |
Evensong |
Online Message of the week can be found here:
Psalm 119 vs 10 – 12
I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Praise be to you, Lord; teach me your decrees.
Process for recruitment of the Vicar
The closing date for the advert in the national press is this Thursday, 5th September. Please continue to ask the Lord for His choice of Vicar in His timing.
Scarborough Deanery Prayer for the Parishes
TODAY – SUNDAY 1st September
Come & go anytime between 4pm – 6 pm at St Columba Church, Dean Road, Scarborough YO12 7JH
Poster attached. Click Here
Filey Fisherman’s Choir
Saturday 7th September 2.30 pm to 4 pm
The Spring Church Hall, Hunmanby, access through the church grounds. Donations Welcome – Free Cakes, Scones, and Coffee/Tea.
Hosted by The Men’s Breakfast Team
Poster Attached Click Here
Scarborough Deanery Conference
Saturday 14th September 9.30 am to 1 pm
Holy Nativity Church/Westway Open Arms Eastfield YO11 3EE
Living Christ’s Story – Resources for the Journey
Keynote Speaker: Bishop of Hull, The Right Rev Dr Eleanor Sanderson
Conference is free, for booking forms, please see poster attached. Click Here
Parking available at Westway Open Arms.
Children’s groups in The Spring Church Hall, Hunmanby
Happy Little Lambs Tuesday 17th Sept from 9 am for under 5s with an adult!
JAM (Jesus and Me) – Sunday 22nd Sept at 11 am for school age children.
Posters Attached Click Here
Telephone number: 07507 862117
Email address:
Sunday 8th Sept |
Folkton |
9.30 am |
Communion |
Ganton |
10.00 am |
Mattins |
Muston |
10.00 am |
Morning Worship |
Willerby |
10.00 am |
Holy Communion |
Hunmanby |
11.00 am |
Holy Communion |
Hunmanby |
5.00 pm |
Evening Worship |
Sunday 15th Sept |
Ganton |
10.00 am |
Morning Prayer |
Muston |
10.00 am |
Morning Worship |
Willerby |
10.00 am |
Sunday Worship |
Hunmanby |
11.00 am |
Morning Worship |
Hunmanby |
5.00 pm |
Worship Hour |
Sunday 22nd Sept |
Muston |
9.30 am |
Holy Communion |
Ganton |
10.00 am |
Holy Communion |
Hunmanby |
10.30 am |
Joint Harvest Festival at Cross Hill |
Willerby |
11.00 am |
Morning Prayer |
Hunmanby |
5.00 pm |
Holy Communion |
Wednesday 25th Sept |
Ganton |
6.30 pm |
Compline |
Sunday 29th Sept |
Folkton |
10.00 am |
Benefice Holy Communion |
This information on all services during the month in the Benefice can be found at
All Saints Church, Hunmanby FaceBook
Church grounds – Next Saturday - gardening party
Next Saturday - 7th September 10 am to 12.30 pm. Your help is really needed in tidying up the bushes, flowerbeds in the church grounds. If you are able to help with cutting, pruning & weeding, please come for just an hour & bring your own tools. Refreshments will be provided. More info from Chris or.
Prayer Support for You
Just to remind you that the Church has a confidential Prayer Chain - a group of people who will pray confidentially for you. If you have specific request for prayer, phone one of the Prayer chain leaders - either Jane on 01723 890536 or Maureen on 01723 892923.
Saturday Morning Prayer meetings in the Church
9.30 am to 10.30 am every Saturday
This is a great opportunity to pray together for the new vicar and the extension of God’s kingdom in our community. Pop in at any time during this period.
From 1 pm Knit, Natter & Games Group in the Spring Church Hall
All welcome £3 per person with refreshments
9.30 am to 10.30 am Prayers in the Church
10.00 am Church grounds gardening party until 12.30 pm – see notice above