Sunday 27th October |
Muston |
9.30 am |
Holy Communion |
Ganton |
10.00 am |
Holy Communion |
Hunmanby |
11.00 am |
Joint Service with Methodists at All Saints |
Willerby |
11.00 am |
Holy Communion |
Hunmanby |
5.00 pm |
Holy Communion |
Psalm 19 vs 7- 9 (NLT)
The instructions of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul. The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The commandments of the Lord are right, bringing joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are clear, giving insight for living. Reverence for the Lord is pure, lasting forever. The laws of the Lord are true; each one is fair.
The Men’s Breakfast on Saturday 2nd November at 9 am
Where: The White Swan, Hunmanby
What: Bacon or Sausage Sandwich with coffee & tea
Speaker: Steve Cunningham on ‘Bridge Builder’(Engineer)
For tickets contact: Steve Cunningham on 07554 117321
Please pray for this event.
Process for recruitment of the Vicar
Please continue to ask the Lord for His choice of Vicar in His timing.
The advert goes back into the national press at the beginning of November.
Benefice Visit from the Archbishop of York, The Most Revd and Rt Hon Stephen Cottrell
Sunday 8th December at 10 am. The Archbishop of York is coming to St Nicholas Church, Ganton. This is a Joint Benefice Communion Service. There will be no morning services in the rest of the Benefice on that day. Please put this date in your diary!
Sunday 3rd November |
Hunmanby |
8.00 am |
Holy Communion |
Muston |
9.30 am |
Holy Communion |
Willerby |
10.00 am |
Holy Communion |
Hunmanby |
11.00 am |
All Age Service |
Hunmanby |
5.00 pm |
Worship Hour |
Ganton |
6.00 pm |
Evensong |
Sunday 10th November |
Folkton |
10.30 am |
Remembrance Service |
Ganton |
10.45 am |
Remembrance Service |
Muston |
10.00 am |
Remembrance Service |
Willerby |
10.00 am |
Morning Service |
Hunmanby |
10.45 am |
Remembrance Service |
Hunmanby |
5.00 pm |
Evening Worship |
Sunday 17th November |
Ganton |
10.00 am |
Morning Prayer |
Muston |
10.00 am |
Morning Worship |
Willerby |
10.00 am |
Morning Worship |
Hunmanby |
11.00 am |
Holy Communion |
Hunmanby |
5.00 pm |
Worship Hour |
Wednesday 20th November |
Ganton |
6.30 pm |
Compline |
Sunday 24th November |
Muston |
9.30 am |
Morning Worship |
Ganton |
10.00 am |
Holy Communion |
Hunmanby |
11.00 am |
Morning Worship |
Willerby |
11.00 am |
Holy Communion |
Hunmanby |
5.00 pm |
Holy Communion |
This information on all services during the month can be found at
Telephone number: 07507 862117
Email address:
All Saints Church, Hunmanby FaceBook
Please spread the word …..The Church Clock
The Church clock will be stopped from 1st to the 8th November for the installation of automatic clock winder. This information is in the Parish Council’s newsletter & notices are in the village. Please prayerfully consider contributing to the cost of this project. Chqs or cash in envelopes please & other payment methods are on the poster at the back of church or ask the Treasurer or Churchwardens.
TODAY (Sunday 27th) is the Deadline for the shoeboxes appeal
This is the last call for shoe boxes. Please bring them to church tonight or take to 4 Stonegate Court tomorrow – no later!
Saturday Morning Prayer meetings in the Church
9.30 am to 10.30 am every Saturday
This is a great opportunity to pray together for our new vicar and the extension of God’s kingdom in the community. Pop in at any time during this period.
From 1 pm Knit, Natter & Games Group in the Spring - Church Hall
All welcome £3 per person with refreshments
9.30 am to 10.30 am Prayers in the Church