Ganton 11.00 am Holy Communion
Hunmanby 11.00 am Joint Service at All Saints
Willerby 11.00 am Family Holy Communion
Hunmanby 5.00 pm Holy Communion
Online Message of the week
You can find on the link below to the Message of the week.
Click on this link
Psalm 124 v 8
Our help is in the name of the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
Prayer Meeting for Vicar recruitment process
Thursday 31st August 7.00 pm All Saints Hunmanby
This is the first of the prayer meetings to cover specific times in the recruitment process. Please be there if you can.
Men’s Breakfast
Saturday 2nd September 8.30 am, The Spring, Hunmanby.
Speaker: Mark Beckett “Why are some people different?”
Tickets from Joy at The Spring or Alan Botterill, Steve Cunninghan, Robin Crosby.
Hunmanby Heritage Day
Part of national Heritage Days
Saturday 9th September 7 Locations around the village and an optional guided walk as well. Click for Details attached.
New Wine Women’s Day
Saturday 16th September 9.30 am-3.30 pm at St Martin's Seamer. Click for poster attached.
Happy little Lambs
Thursday 21st September in The Spring, Hunmanby
For under 5s with a grown up. Tea and Toast from 9 am with free play, then from 10 am rhymes, songs and bible story. Please note this will be on the 3rd Thursday of every month. Click for Link
Harvest Festival Services around the Benefice in 2023
Folkton TBC
Ganton Sunday 1st October 6 pm
Muston TBC
Hunmanby Sunday 1st October 11.00 am (note correct date)
Willerby Friday 20th October 7 pm
Sunday 3rd September
Hunmanby 8.00 am No service
Muston 9.30 am Morning Prayer
Willerby 10.00 am Holy Communion
Hunmanby 11.00 pm All age Worship
Hunmanby 5.00 pm Worship in the Spring
Ganton 6.00 pm Evensong
Sunday 10th September
Folkton 9.30 am Holy Communion
Ganton 10.00 am Morning Service
Muston 10.00 am Morning Prayer
Willerby 10.00 am Morning Prayer
Hunmanby 11.00 am Holy Communion
Hunmanby 5.00 pm Evening Worship
Sunday 17th September
Ganton 10.00 am Morning Service
Muston 10.00 am Morning Prayer
Willerby 10.00 am Morning Prayer
Hunmanby 11.00 am Morning Worship
Hunmanby 5.00 pm Worship in the Spring
Wednesday 20th September
Ganton 6.30 pm Compline Service
Sunday 24th September
Muston 9.30 am Holy Communion
Ganton 10.00 am Holy Communion
Hunmanby 10.30 am Joint Service at Cross Hill
Willerby 11.00 am Holy Communion
Hunmanby 5.00 pm Holy Communion
Church sitters needed on Saturday mornings
The church will be open for visits and private prayer on Saturdays from 10 am to 12 noon, when 2 church sitters are available. Please sign the rota at the back of church if you are able to help with this.
Tea and coffee rotas
If you are able to help serve tea and coffee on Sunday mornings, could you please sign the rota on the notice board at the back of church.
Hun-free community fridge – food for all
The Hunmanby community fridge provides free food for all to avoid it going to waste. The food is donated from shops. It operates twice a week - see diary below. Please note each session will close when all the food has gone.
Monday 28th August – Bank Holiday
From 9.30 am Hun-Free Fridge in The Spring
12 noon Prayers in The Spring
The Spring is open 1.00pm - 3.00 pm
From 1.00 pm Knit and Natter – Knitting & board games
Tuesday 29th August
The Spring is open 10.00am - 2.00pm
1.30 pm to 3.00 pm Square-Dancing
Wednesday 30th August
The Spring is open 10.00 am - 2.00 pm
11.45 am CAMEO (Come and meet each other) meal - £5.50 2 courses
Thursday 31st August
7.00 pm Prayer Meeting for Vicar recruitment process in Church
Friday 1st September
The Spring is open 10.00 am - 2.00 pm
12 noon Community Meal - suggested donation of £3.00
From 1.45 pm Hun-Free Fridge in The Spring
Saturday 3rd September
8.30 am Men’s Breakfast in The Spring – Speaker: Mark Beckett Tickets from Joy or Alan Botterill, Steve Cunninghan, Robin Crosby.
9.30 am Prayers in Church
Benefice telephone number is 07507 862117 for all calls re church matters.
Benefice email address is
All Saints Hunmanby Church website is
For items in next week’s notices,
please email by Wednesday evening or call 07507 862117.