Dear all,
Next Sunday 31st at 11.00am we have a Benefice service at Hunmanby. All are welcome. The clocks go back one hour on 31st.
At Hunmanby there is a zone on the south aisle with alternate pews for those who wish to have more space. We have removed the ribbons that blocked off alternate pews in the middle and north aisle pews. Also wherever you sit if you wish to have a space between you and someone not in your bubble there will be special little cards* to place next to you on the pew so that others leave a space free. *These will be available at the back of church as you enter. Please do not feel at all embarrassed about using these if you wish to - it's an official CofE idea.
I recommend the wearing of a face mask while singing, but that remains your personal choice.
The pre-recorded audio service for this coming Sunday (recorded on 17th October) can be found here: Link in on the Sunday morning for the service that day.
Wednesday 27th October - MORNING PRAYER ONLINE 9.00AM - (this may be either live or pre-recorded). The recording of the service remains on the website. Here is the link:
A free phone line of hymns, reflections and prayers. Provided by the Church of England. Tel. 0800 804 8044
My day off this week will be Wednesday 27th
Sunday 24th October 9.30am Morning Prayer
Sunday 31st October - see Hunmanby
Sunday 24th October 10.00am Harvest Service
Sunday 31st October - see Hunmanby
Sunday 24th October 10.30am Worship at Cross Hill
5.00pm Holy Communion in church
Sunday 31st October - 11.00am Benefice Service
No evening service
Sunday 24th October 9.30am Holy Communion
Sunday 31st October - see Hunmanby
Sunday 24th October 11.00am Family Communion
Sunday 31st October - see Hunmanby
Spring Cafe has been chosen for the next round of the Co-op Local Community Fund.
The funding round will start Sunday 24 October 2021 and will run for 12 months until 22 October 2022. During this time, if you are a Co-op Member do please select Spring Cafe as your cause.
If you shop at Tesco in Filey can you please support our cause. Collect a token when you shop and place it in the section for our Healthy Eating Club Project under the banner of Wellbeing Hub (The Spring Cafe, All Saints Church Hunmanby) . Thank you.
Children in Distress –
If you still need a hat or scarf for your shoe box, for yourself or for a present just come to the Spring Café on a Monday afternoon during Knit and Natter (1-3pm).
Completed shoeboxes will be collected from church on 7th November. Thank you.
TEAR FUND QUIZ NIGHT IN THE SPRING CAFE— Saturday 20th November at 6pm to include pie and pea supper. Bring your own drinks alcoholic/soft. Tickets on sale NOW. Capacity is 45 and 23 tickets have already been reserved. Contact Heather on 07809025451
If you are able to help with teas and coffee after the morning service in church please sign the rota on the notice board. Thank you.
1.30pm Margaret Bown’s
7.00pm Jenny Walker’s
2.00pm Pat & Alan Russell’s
7.30pm Phil and Anne Barker's
TEDDY EDWARD - NB no Teddy Edward this week as it's half-term
In term time: 9.30am on Thursdays in church: Teddy Edward service. Spread the word to families with pre-school aged children!
NB SATURDAY 30th October: Prayer Meeting 9.30am - 10.00am in CHURCH
Monday Hun-Free Free-fridge in the morning 9.30am till 11am
1.00pm Knit and Natter in afternoon
Wednesday - CAMEO
Friday Hun-Free Fridge 1.00pm onwards
NB After Friday 22nd October Spring Cafe will be operating on a limited programme due to Joy’s visit to Nigeria.
Monday Knit and Natter will still meet in the cafe from 1.00 to 3.00pm
Wednesday CAMEO lunch 12 noon will still operate, but will be salads, sandwiches, cakes and puddings. Book your place with Molly or Jean.
HunFree the Hunmanby Community Fridge will operate on Monday morning 9.30 am to 11.00am and Friday afternoon 1pm to 3pm when tea/coffee will be available.
Please note the community meal will start again in December. Further information of all cafe activities can be found on the church website or spring cafe Facebook page.
Thinking of volunteering?
The Spring Cafe is looking for new volunteers so that we operate longer hours / more sessions. We appreciate you may not be able to volunteer, but may know someone who could. So please pass on the word and encourage them to come along to the cafe to find out more by speaking to Joy in the Spring cafe.
In the Spring Cafe, 4 Stonegate, Hunmanby
Mondays 9.30am to 11.30am
Fridays now 1.00pm onwards till 3.00pm
There is a donate button on our church website.
If you shop with Amazon you will also see a link to the Amazon Smile option. If you choose All Saints Church as your charity and shop using Amazon Smile (same selection and pricing) we will receive 0.5% of the purchase price.