All Saints Church


Vicar's Newsletter for 12 December

Dear all,

Please read this latest advice from the Diocesan newsletter, The Journal, sent out yesterday: 

'Following the Prime Minister's announcement on Wednesday, December 8, the wearing of face coverings is again mandatory in places of worship, plus in other named public spaces, including village halls and community centres, and our church halls.

The latest advice from the Church of England, together with a statement from the Rt Revd Sarah Mullally, Bishop of London, on our second Christmas in this pandemic, can be found at

You will see from the guidance that there is a "reasonable excuse" exemption which also allows people to remove a face covering whilst singing. This means that those, including choirs and music groups, who are leading worship can continue to remove face coverings whilst doing so. However, at this time of year, as we welcome our wider communities to our Christmas services, we would suggest that.... continued congregational use of face coverings whilst singing is encouraged.'

The services in the benefice for December are included below.

On Sunday 26th December there will be a service of Holy Communion for the benefice at All Saints Hunmanby at 11.00am.

My day off this coming week will be Saturday 18th.

NB At All Saints Hunmanby the zone on the south aisle has alternate pews for those who wish to have more space.


Thursday 16th December 10.20am at Woodlands Crematorium followed by a Thanksgiving Service at St. Columba's, Scarborough.  

Bishop Alison's Retirement


The Rt Revd Alison White
will retire as Bishop of Hull
at the end of February 2022.

More details will be given in the new year, but there will be a  'Farewell Service' in Hull Minster on the afternoon of Saturday 5th February, and a more informal service of thanksgiving and prayer at Christ Church, Bridlington, on the afternoon of Sunday 6th February. COVID restrictions permitting, it's hoped that both services will be open for anyone to attend.
Many of those who have appreciated Bishop Alison's ministry amongst us may want to show their gratitude by contributing to a leaving gift. Donations for this can be made via cheques to the Diocesan Office payable to “York Diocesan Board of Finance Ltd” (please write "Gift - Bishop Alison" on the back of the cheque), or by bank transfer to: York Diocesan Board of Finance Ltd; Sort Code: 20-99-15; Account No: 30985759 with payment reference "Gift - Bishop Alison".


The pre-recorded audio service for this coming Sunday recorded on 5th December can be found here: Link in on the Sunday morning for the service that day.

Click on this link

Wednesday 15th December - MORNING PRAYER ONLINE 9.00AM -  (this may be either live or pre-recorded). The recording of the service remains on the website. Here is the link:


A free phone line of hymns, reflections and prayers. Provided by the Church of England. Tel.  0800 804 8044


Sunday 12th December 9.30am Holy Communion

Monday 20th December 7.00pm Carol Service


Sunday 12th December 10.00am Community Service

Sunday 19th December 9.30am Holy Communion

Saturday 25th December 10.00am Mattins


Sunday 12th December 11.00am Holy Communion

                               3.00pm Christingle Service

Sunday 19th December 11.00am Morning Worship

                                      5.00pm Carol Service 

Saturday 25th December 8.00am Holy Communion

                                      10.00am Christmas Family Communion   

Sunday 26th December 11.00am Benefice Holy Communion


Sunday 12th December 10.00am Morning Worship

Sunday 19th December 10.00am Morning Worship

Friday 24th December 9.30pm Holy Communion


Sunday 12th December 10.00am Carol Service

Sunday 19th December 10.00am Morning Prayer

                                       3.00pm Crib Service

Friday 24th December 6.00pm Family Communion




Our Christingle service is  Sunday 12th at 3.00pm. Can you please bring some mince pies to share.

Our Carol Service is on Sunday 19th at 5.00pm. Again if you can please bring mince pies for this that would be great. Thank you.


Spring Cafe has been chosen for the next round of the Co-op Local Community Fund. 

The funding round will start Sunday 24 October 2021 and will run for 12 months until 22 October 2022. During this time, if you are a Co-op Member do please select Spring Cafe as your cause. Here is the link to choose the cafe as your chosen venture to support:


If you shop at Tesco in Filey can you please support our cause. Collect a token when you shop and place it in the section for our Healthy Eating Club Project under the banner of Wellbeing Hub (The Spring Cafe, All Saints Church Hunmanby). Sometimes you may need to ask for a token as they are not always offered at the till. Thank you.



1.30pm Margaret Bown’s 

7.00pm Jenny Walker’s


2.00pm Pat & Alan Russell’s

7.30pm Phil and Anne Barker's 

TEDDY EDWARD - Details Here

In term time: 9.30am on Thursdays in church: Teddy Edward service. Spread the word to families with pre-school aged children!

NB SATURDAY 12th December: Prayer Meeting 9.30am - 10.00am in CHURCH


Monday Hun-Free Free-fridge in the morning 9.30am till 11am

1.00pm Knit and Natter in afternoon
Wednesday - CAMEO - see below.  

Friday Hun-Free Fridge 1.00pm onwards


NB Current weekly programme:
Monday Knit and Natter will still meet in the cafe from 1.00 to 3.00pm
For the next two Wednesdays (15th and 22nd December).  CAMEO lunch 12 noon will still operate, but will be salads, sandwiches, cakes and puddings. Book your place with Joy, Molly or Jean. On Wednesday 15th from 11.30am the 'Forget Me Not' lunch group will be meeting. 

Wednesday 22nd will be the last day of operation before the Christmas closure. 

We wish all our loyal customers a very happy, safe and blessed Christmas and look forward to welcoming you back in the New Year!

HunFree the Hunmanby Community Fridge will operate on Monday morning 9.30 am to 11.00am and Friday afternoon 1pm to 3pm when tea/coffee will be available.

Please note the community meal will start again next year, not this month as previously advertised. The first community meal will take place on Friday 7th January. Further information of all cafe activities can be found on the church website or Spring cafe Facebook page.

Thinking of volunteering?
The Spring Cafe is looking for new volunteers so that we operate longer hours / more sessions. We appreciate you may not be able to volunteer, but may know someone who could. So please pass on the word and encourage them to come along to the cafe to find out more by speaking to a volunteer in the Spring Cafe.


             NEW VENUE / NEW TIMES

In the Spring Cafe, 4 Stonegate, Hunmanby

Mondays 9.30am to 11.30am

Fridays now 1.00pm onwards till 3.00pm


There is a donate button on our church website.

If you shop with Amazon you will also see a link to the Amazon Smile option. If you choose All Saints Church as your charity and shop using Amazon Smile (same selection and pricing) we will receive 0.5% of the purchase price.

Every blessing,


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