My day off this week is Friday 28th April.
The pre-recorded audio service for this coming Sunday recorded on Sunday 16th can be found here: Link in on the Sunday morning for the service that day.
Click on this linkhttps://www.allsaintshunmanby.org.uk/media/
Sunday 12th May 9.30am Holy Communion
Sunday 23rd April 10.00am Mattins
Sunday 30th April - 10.00am Benefice Communion at Folkton
Sunday 7th May 6.00pm Evensong
Sunday 14th May 10.00am Community Service
Sunday 21st May 9.30am Holy Communion
Sunday 28th May 10.00am Mattins
Saturday 29th April 10am - 12 noon - Church coffee morning in Ganton Village Hall
Sunday 23rd April 11.00am Morning Worship - joint service with Cross Hill Methodist Church
5.00pm Holy Communion in church
Sunday 30th April - 10.00am Benefice Communion at Folkton
Sunday 7th May 8.00am Holy Communion
11.00am All-age Worship - outside - weather permitting
5.00pm Worship in the Spring
Sunday 14th May 11.00am Holy Communion & Sunday JAM
5.00pm Evening Worship in church
Sunday 21st May 11am Morning Worship & APCM
5.00pm Worship in the Spring
Sunday 28th May 10.30am Morning Worship - joint service at Cross Hill Methodist Church
5.00pm Holy Communion in church
Sunday 23rd April 9.30am Holy Communion & APCM
Sunday 30th April - 10.00am Benefice Communion at Folkton
Sunday 7th May 9.30am Holy Communion
Sunday 14th May 10.00am Morning Worship
Sunday 21st May 10.00am Morning Worship
Sunday 28th May 9.30am Holy Communion
Sunday 23rd April 11.00am Family Communion
Sunday 30th April - 10.00am Benefice Communion at Folkton
Sunday 7th May 10.00am Holy Communion
Sunday 14th May 10.00am NB Rogation Service at Pear Tree Farm
Sunday 21st May 10.00am Morning Prayer
Sunday 28th May 11.00am Family Communion & APCM
The church is open for visits and private prayer on the Saturdays in April from 10.00am to 12 noon. Many thanks to those who have kindly agreed to church-sit......
BUT We need church sitters for the Saturdays in May please if we are to continue opening up the church on Saturday mornings. Signing up sheet on notice board at the back of church.
Toddler group held on 3rd Thursdays of the month in the Spring Cafe - see attached poster. Click for Link
Tea and Coffee Rotas.
Spring Cafe
Every SECOND and FOURTH Tuesday of the month 10.30am till 12 noon. You are welcome to join us to exercise your vocal cords, socialise and enjoy coffee and cake ( as well as keep warm!).
Next prayers in church on 22nd and 29th April 9.30am - 10.00am.
The cafe is one of many places across the borough offering a warm and welcome space. This new initiative ensures that over the coming winter months you will always have the option to come and enjoy friendship in a warm environment where a hot drink is available and should you need it, plus information about coping in these challenging times. Call in to find out more.
Cross Hill Methodist Church Coffee Morning….Reminder!
The next Coffee morning will be on Saturday 29 April from 10.00-11.30am, moved from our usual first Saturday of the month as that is 6 May Coronation Day. Cake and book stalls and raffle as usual. We look forward to seeing you there!
Monday 24th April
From 9.30am Hun-Free Fridge in Spring café
12 noon - 12.30pm Cafe prayers (please note new time)
Spring Café open 1.00pm till 3.00pm Knit and natter, plus board games & chat
Tuesday 25th
Spring Café open from 10.00am—2.00pm
10.30am Singing group - new members welcome
1.30pm-3.00pm Dance group - new members welcome
Wednesday 26th
Spring Café open 10.00am - 2.00pm Drinks and cakes available -
CAMEO (Come and meet each other) meal from 12noon onwards - set price of £5.50 for 2-course meal with a drink,
Friday 28th
Spring Cafe open 9.00am—1.00pm
From 12noon Community Meal - suggested donation of £3.00 to cover costs
from 1.45pm Hun-Free Fridge (Free food for all to avoid it going to waste) in Spring café
Saturday 29th
9.30am Prayers in church
Church open 10.00am - 12noon
HUN-FREE COMMUNITY FRIDGE: (Please note - each session will close when all the food has gone)
HunFree the Hunmanby Community Fridge will operate on Monday morningfrom 9.30am and Friday afternoon from 1.45pmwhen tea/coffee will be available.
Every blessing,
The Vicarage
6 Northgate
Y014 0NT
Tel. 01723 448351