Dear all,
Please find below details for the rest of January and for February. Most of our benefice churches are now closed. St. Nicholas' Ganton has a service at 10.00am on Sunday 14th February. All Saints Hunmanby has Morning Worship at 11.00am this week, but only on 31st January it will be at 10.00am. Adherence to the strictly applied Covid-safe rules will be required by all who attend including wearing of mask, gelling hands on entry and exit, staying 2m apart and not mingling or chatting on entry or exit, but dispersing promptly.
If you are shielding or have particular concerns about meeting with others then it is best that you remain at home. The same goes for anyone showing Covid-19 symptoms of course.
Please note that the online service this Sunday will be available in one file (not 3 separate files as previously). This is a test to see if it has sufficient sound quality in one file.
Please do get in touch with me if you have any questions or just to have a chat.
Prerecorded Audio Service on Sunday 24th January: 3rd Sunday of Epiphany. This will enable you to participate in our prerecorded live AUDIO service (like a radio service). It was recorded in church last Sunday so you get it a week late. You will also find a file attached with the hymn lyrics.
Here is the All Saints Hunmanby website link in blue for Sunday morning - The service will be available anytime on Sunday.
SUNDAY 24th January AUDIO SERVICE - You will find the service in one file and no need to search for worship songs as these are already included in the service.
Here is the link:
A reminder that names of those attending collective worship must be recorded and kept for 21 days for the Test and Trace system. Face coverings are now required by law to be worn in places of worship. Congregational singing is still not permitted.
This week - Saturday Morning Open Prayer Meeting for the Benefice on Zoom
If you haven't already done so, why not download Zoom onto your device (it's free) and join a 9.30am to 10.00am Saturday morning prayer meeting for the Hertford Benefice. Let me know by Thursday 28th January if you would like to join in on Saturday 30th. I will then send you the link to join the meeting which you join using video - i.e. your device camera (so we can all see each other!). You will be invited to join some minutes early for a 'meet and greet' and to sort any technical issues. Please check that your camera and microphone are unmuted.
MORNING PRAYER ONLINE 9.00AM - the service goes out live but a recording of it remains on the website
WEDNESDAYS ONLY at 9.00am. Here is the link:
1. Scarborough Deanery Synod is looking for a new deanery secretary. If you know someone who might be looking for a voluntary position like this can you please let me know and I will pass on the information. Thank you.
2. St. Martin's School in Scarborough is unique in being the only deanery school in the Diocese of York. The school is looking to appoint a new deanery school governor, so if you know anyone with an interest in the school who might be a suitable candidate can you please let me know. Thank you.
A free phone line of hymns, reflections and prayers. Provided by the Church of England. Tel. 0800 804 8044
The Dean and chapter of York Minster wish it be known that yu are welcome to visit the minister when regulations allow. However, you would need to make a reservation for a specific date and time from the website. If you know of church members who do not have internet access, please encourage them to ’phone 01904 557275 to make a Parish Pass booking for a specific date and time. You will still need to take a parish pass with you. Please find attached below a pass for you to print off.
My day off this week is Friday 29th.
Please note that Holy Communion will only be received by the congregation in one kind (bread/wafer only). You are asked to follow the direction of a churchwarden/sidesperson and when you receive please return to your seat before removing your face covering to consume. Communion will be administered whilst standing. Kneeling at the communion rail is suspended.
Services suspended until further notice - by agreement of the Vicar and PCC.
One service in February:
Sunday 14th February 10.00am Service of prayer and contemplation
HUNMANBY NEWS - you are requested to bring a pen to write your name and contact no. on a slip provided for Test and Trace purposes.
Sunday 24th January 11.00am Morning Worship
Sunday 31st January 10.00am Morning Worship
Sunday 7th February 11.00am Morning Worship
Sunday 14th February 11.00am Morning Worship
Ash Wednesday 17th February 7.00pm Service
Sunday 21st February 11.00am Morning Worship
Sunday 28th February 11.00am Morning Worship
Services suspended until further notice - by agreement of the Vicar and PCC.
No services in January - by agreement of the Vicar and PCC.
During this latest lockdown churchwarden Venetia Wrigley has kindly offered to open up St. Nicholas Church for private prayer by appointment at a time convenient to both parties. Venetia explains: "I will open the church 10 minutes before the appointed time, wipe down the door handle, ensure that a pew is wiped ready, leave the church, wait in my car until the prayer session is over and then return to church and wipe everything down again including the door handle and relock the building."
If you would like to avail yourself of this offer, please call Venetia on her mobile no. 07773 217372
Leprosy Sunday can be any Sunday from 24th Jan.- 24th April and the 'Unconditional Appeal' will be doubled by the government, up to £2million. Due to current Covid-19 restrictions we plan to give out the collection envelopes and hold a Leprosy Mission Sunday later than usual (we normally hold this in January).
There is still need for items for the survival packs for the homeless: hats, gloves, small items of toiletries, sweets, etc. A bin will be placed in the porch at church tomorrow morning (Sunday). Anything would be appreciated. Thank you.
Recycle Bin for Cards
A smaller plastic bin has now been placed outside the cafe (Stonegate side next to crisp packet bin) for recycling Christmas cards. Please cut off the back along with any writing and place in the waterproof bag in the bin, they will be used for future craft sessions. There will also be a box in the church porch on Sundays for their collection.
A smaller plastic bin has now been placed outside the cafe (Stonegate side next to crisp packet bin) for recycling Christmas cards. Please cut off the back along with any writing and place in the waterproof bag in the bin, they will be used for future craft sessions. There will also be a box in the church porch on Sundays for their collection.
The bin for recyling of foil-lined crisp packets is still there.
If for any reason you prefer not to be included in this mailing please just send me an email and I will remove yours from the list. Many thanks.
Every blessing,
Revd Tim Parker
Vicar of Hertford Benefice:
St John the Evangelist Folkton, St. Nicholas Ganton, All Saints Hunmanby, All Saints Muston and St. Peter Willerby
The Vicarage
6 Northgate
North Yorkshire
YO14 0NT
Tel. 01723 448351