Dear all,
Singing in church: with restrictions eased last Monday we are thankfully now permitted to sing in church. However, I am making a request that whilst now being free to sing we do so whilst wearing a mask. It is merely a request and cannot be enforced, but other churches in the deanery are taking this same cautious approach to easing of restrictions until we are more clear about the infection rate in this area.
NB Social distancing - we shall continue please for the time being to continue with the social-distancing in church - entering, whilst seated and leaving the church building.
SATURDAY EVENING NEW WINE EVENT from 6pm 31st JULY at All Saints Hunmanby
6.00pm refreshments available
7.00pm Worship and teaching - Click to SEE poster.
New Wine event: An evening of worship, teaching and ministry. Speaker - Amy Orr Ewing. NB This will be a recording of the previous night's session on YouTube.
Unfortunately, due to a technical problem last Sunday's service could not be recorded. There is a reflection available on the York diocesan website. Click on this link for Archbishop Stephen Cottrell's reflection for Sunday 25th.
God our loving Father, you have called your Church into being in your love and strengthened us for your service. Guide and inspire us as we seek to re-shape our approach to mission and ministry in our diocese; that we may be a joyful Church of missionary disciples, one in heart and mind; for the sake of your kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Wednesday 28th July - MORNING PRAYER ONLINE 9.00AM - (this may be either live or pre-recorded). The recording of the service remains on the website
WEDNESDAYS ONLY at 9.00am. Here is the link:
NB SATURDAY 24th July: Prayer Meeting 9.30am - 10.00am in Spring Cafe
A free phone line of hymns, reflections and prayers. Provided by the Church of England. Tel. 0800 804 8044
My day off this week is Friday 30th July
Sunday 25th July 9.30am Morning Prayer
Sunday 8th August 9.30am Holy Communion
Sunday 22nd August 9.30am Morning Prayer
Sunday 25th July 10.00am Mattins
Sunday 1st August 6.00pm Evensong
Sunday 8th August 8.30am Holy Communion
Sunday 15th August 9.30am Holy Communion
Wednesday 18th August 6.30pm Compline
Sunday 22nd August 10.00am Mattins
Sunday 25th July 11.00am Morning Worship
Sunday 1st August 11.00am Morning Worship
Sunday 8th August 11.00am Holy Communion
Sunday 15th August 11.00am Morning Worship
Sunday 22nd August 11.00am Morning Worship
Sunday 25th July 9.30am Holy Communion
Sunday 1st August 9.30am Holy Communion
Sunday 8th August 10.00am Morning Worship
Sunday 15th August 10.00am Morning Worship
Sunday 22nd August 9.30am Holy Communion
Sunday 25th July 11.00am Family Communion
Sunday 1st August 9.30am Holy Communion
Sunday 8th August 11.00am Holy Communion
Sunday 15th August 9.30am Morning Prayer
Sunday 22nd August 11.00am Family Communion
During this latest lockdown churchwarden Venetia Wrigley has kindly offered to open up St. Nicholas Church for private prayer by appointment at a time convenient to both parties. Venetia explains: "I will open the church 10 minutes before the appointed time, wipe down the door handle, ensure that a pew is wiped ready, leave the church, wait in my car until the prayer session is over and then return to church and wipe everything down again including the door handle and relock the building."
If you would like to avail yourself of this offer, please call Venetia on her mobile no. 07773 217372
The Spring Cafe looks forward to welcoming you on Wednesdays at 12 noon when they are open for hot meals ( book by ringing Joy Ossai on 07969378255 )
We are also open on Thursdays between 10am and 12 noon for light refreshments (NO booking required)
Thinking of volunteering?
The Spring Cafe is looking for new volunteers so that we operate longer hours / more sessions. We appreciate you may not be able to volunteer, but may know someone who could. So please pass on the word and encourage them to come along to the cafe to find out more or ring joy on 07969378255 or to check out our Facebook page.Click
We are also open on Thursdays between 10am and 12 noon for light refreshments (NO booking required)
Thinking of volunteering?
The Spring Cafe is looking for new volunteers so that we operate longer hours / more sessions. We appreciate you may not be able to volunteer, but may know someone who could. So please pass on the word and encourage them to come along to the cafe to find out more or ring joy on 07969378255 or to check out our Facebook page.Click
From Monday 19th July - in the Spring Cafe, 4 Stonegate, Hunmanby
Mondays 9.30am to 11.30am
Fridays 1.30pm to 3.30pm
There is a donate button on our church website.
If you shop with Amazon you will also see a link to the Amazon Smile option. If you choose All Saints Church as your charity and shop using Amazon Smile (same selection and pricing) we will receive 0.5% of the purchase price.
Every blessing,
Revd Tim Parker
Vicar of Hertford Benefice:
St John the Evangelist Folkton, St. Nicholas Ganton, All Saints Hunmanby, All Saints Muston and St. Peter Willerby
Revd Tim Parker
Vicar of Hertford Benefice:
St John the Evangelist Folkton, St. Nicholas Ganton, All Saints Hunmanby, All Saints Muston and St. Peter Willerby
The Vicarage
6 Northgate
North Yorkshire
YO14 0NT
Tel. 01723 448351