All Saints Church


Vicar's Newsletter for 25/27 December

Dear all,
Every blessing to you for a peaceful and Christ-centred Christmas.
Please find here the latest news for the benefice. The service link is for the Christmas weekend (either Christmas Day or Sunday 27th December). It's a recording of the carol service held in All Saints Hunmanby on Sunday 20th.
There is a revised plan below for services in the benefice for January. These services are provisional, based on us still being able to meet in our churches.
Next weekend's newsletter will be sent out on Saturday 2nd January.
I am on annual leave from Christmas Day afternoon. See details below for contact number for anything urgent.
Prerecorded Audio Service for either Christmas Day OR 27th December: 
 This will enable you to participate in our prerecorded live AUDIO service (like a radio service). It was recorded in church last Sunday.  You will also find a  file attached with the order of carols and readings.
Here is the All Saints Hunmanby website link in blue - The service will be available anytime from Christmas Day.
AUDIO SERVICE -   You will find the service in two or three parts and no need to search for worship songs as these are already included in the service.  
A reminder that names of those attending collective worship must be recorded and kept for 21 days for the Test and Trace system. Face coverings are now required by law to be worn in places of worship. Congregational singing is still not permitted.
NB There will not be a Saturday Morning Zoom Prayer Meeting on 26th December
The next Benefice prayer meeting on Zoom will be held on Saturday 2nd January at 9.30am. The link will be sent on 1st January.
MORNING PRAYER ONLINE - the service goes out live but a recording of it remains on the website
NB - there will not be a service on Wednesday 30th December.  The next one will be Wednesday 6th January.
A free phone line of hymns, reflections and prayers. Provided by the Church of England. Tel.  0800 804 8044
My annual leave commences on Christmas Day afternoon. From that point my voicemail will direct people to churchwarden Peter Loftus' telephone number -  01723 512943. I will be back in work on Saturday 2nd January.
Please note that Holy Communion will only be received by the congregation in one kind (bread/wafer only). You are asked to follow the direction of a churchwarden/sidesperson and when you receive please return to your seat before removing your face covering to consume. Communion will be administered whilst standing. Kneeling at the communion rail is suspended.
Christmas Eve 8.15pm Holy Communion
Sunday 10th January 9.30am Holy Communion
Sunday 24th January 9.30am Morning Prayer
Christmas Day 10.00am BCP Holy Communion
Sunday 27th December - no service
One service in January:
Sunday 17th January 9.30am BCP Holy Communion
HUNMANBY NEWS - you are requested to bring a pen to write your name and contact no. on a slip provided for Test and Trace purposes. 
Christmas Day 10.00am Family Communion
Sunday 27th December 11.00am Morning Worship
Sunday 3rd January 11.00am Morning Worship
Sunday 10th January 11.00am Holy Communion
Sunday 17th January 11.00am Morning Worship
Sunday 24th January 11.00am Morning Worship
Sunday 31st January 10.00am Morning Worship
Christmas Eve 9.30pm Holy Communion
Sunday 27th December - No service
Sunday 3rd January 9.30am Holy Communion
Sunday 10th January 10.00am Morning Worship
Sunday 17th January 10.00am Morning Worship
Sunday 24th January 9.30am Holy Communion
Sunday 31st January No service
Christmas Eve 7.00pm Holy Communion
Sunday 27th December 11.00am Morning Prayer
NB No services in January. 
Many thanks to all who helped with the outside carol service on Sunday 20th December.
The Y2 class at Hunmanby Primary School have made some wonderful birthday cards. They wanted us to enjoy, them so they are available to view in the chancel area as you leave the church.
Some folk are kindly bringing a Christmas card for the church family. These can be placed on the board in the chancel as you leave after the service please. A gentle reminder that you should not be walking around the church handing out personal greeting cards due to the Covid-19 restrictions. Sorry for any inconvenience.
The current plan is for the Spring Cafe to open ONLY on Monday 4th January from10.00am - 2.00pm for takeaway coffee and cake using the churchyard entrance (government restrictions permitting).  There will also be a drop-off point for any unused or excess Christmas presents / food. For the remainder of January the cafe will only open IF special events are planned and these would be pre-advertised.
If for any reason you prefer not to be included in this mailing please just send me an email and I will remove yours from the list. Many thanks. 
Every blessing,

Revd Tim Parker

Vicar of Hertford Benefice:

St John the Evangelist Folkton, St. Nicholas Ganton, All Saints Hunmanby, All Saints Muston and St. Peter Willerby

The Vicarage
6 Northgate
North Yorkshire
YO14 0NT
Tel. 01723 448351

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