All Saints Church


Vicar's Newsletter for 27 February

Dear all,

Further to last week's information about the Living Christ's Story presentation at the open Deanery Synod Meeting held on 9th February, I attach the minutes of that meeting. You will see a summary of the meeting as well as responses to various questions asked. Click for Document
Wearing of face coverings in church is now a matter of personal choice. The CofE guidance last month reminded us: 'The best available scientific evidence is that, when used correctly, wearing a face covering can reduce the spread of coronavirus droplets and aerosols in certain circumstances, helping to protect others.'
NB At All Saints Hunmanby the zone on the south aisle has alternate pews for those who wish to have more space. 


My day off this week will be Thursday 3rd March


The pre-recorded audio service for this coming Sunday recorded on 20th February can be found here: Link in on the Sunday morning for the service that day.

Click on this link

MORNING PRAYER ONLINE - suspended until further notice


A free phone line of hymns, reflections and prayers. Provided by the Church of England. Tel.  0800 804 8044

Sunday 27th February 9.30am Morning Prayer
Sunday 13th March 9.30am Holy Communion
Sunday 27th March 9.30am Morning Prayer

Sunday 27th February 10.00am Mattins
Ash Wednesday 2nd March 6.30pm Holy Communion 
Sunday 6th March 6.00pm Evensong
Sunday 13th March 10.00am Morning Prayer
Sunday 20th March 9.30am BCP Holy Communion 
Wednesday 23rd March 6.30pm Compline
Sunday 27th March 10.00am Mattins
Saturday 26th February 1.30pm Muddy Church - meet at Spring cafe
Sunday 27th February 11.00am Morning Worship
                                 5.00pm Holy Communion in church
Ash Wednesday 2nd March 7.00pm Service for the start of Lent 
Sunday 6th March 8.00am Holy Communion
                                 11.00am All-age Worship with Parade
                                 5.00pm Worship in the Spring 
Sunday 13th March 11.00am Holy Communion
                              5.00pm Evening Worship in church
Sunday 20th March 11.00am Morning Worship
                                      5.00pm Worship in the Spring 
Sunday 27th March 11.00am Morning Worship
                                 5.00pm Holy Communion in church
Sunday 27th February 9.30am Holy Communion
Sunday 6th March 9.30am Morning Worship with Baptism  
Sunday 13th  March 10.00am Morning Worship
Sunday 20th March 10.00am Morning Worship
Sunday 27th March 9.30am Holy Communion
Sunday 27th February 11.00am Family Communion
Sunday 6th March 10.00am Holy Communion
Sunday 13th March 10.00am Morning Prayer
Sunday 20th March 10.00am Morning Prayer
Sunday 27th March 11.00am Family Communion
THIS SATURDAY 26th FEB - 10.30am-12noon Healthy eating demo & share: “sticks and dips" (An all-age interactive workshop on creating & then eating simple, healthy & affordable snacks & meals)
1.00pm Wedding in church
1.30pm Muddy Church 
Ash Wednesday - 2nd March   7.00pm Service for the start of Lent in church 


Teddy Edward service from 9.30am on Thursdays in church during term time.  Click for Details


11.00am at Cross Hill Methodist Church: Short service for the World Day of Prayer. This year the service has been put together by the Christians in the UK. Everyone is welcome. 

2.00pm Funeral of Esme Porter in church 


Next prayers in church (in the back vestry if numbers allow) on Saturdays 26th February and 5th March, 9.30am - 10.00am. 


Spring Cafe Saturday 12th March 

10.00am - 11.30am Leprosy Mission coffee morning in aid of the new research facility at their hospital in Nepal. 

NB Leprosy Mission envelopes will also be available on Sundays in early March. 


Monday 28th 

9.30am-11.00am Hun-Free Fridge (Free food for all to avoid it going to waste)

12.15 - 12.45pm Spring prayers - come and pray for the work of the Spring 

1.00pm till 3.00pm Knit and natter, bring your own knitting (or some is provided) and enjoy a chat over a cuppa,

Games Afternoon (Enjoy a chat and cuppa with the featured game being Scrabble)
Tuesday 1st MARCH  1.00 to 3.00pm Carers drop-in in the Spring cafe when a number of external care agencies will be present along with the well-being practitioner from the surgery. 
Wednesday 2nd 
10.00am - 2.00pm Drop in for drinks and cakes or come and enjoy the CAMEO ( come and meet each other) 2 course meal  served at 12 noon 

Friday 4th

12noon Community meal  (and every Friday) 

Hun-Free Fridge from 1.00pm to 3.00pm (Free food for all to avoid it going to waste)

Saturday 5th

9.30am to 11.00am Men's Coffee in Spring Cafe 

10.00am-12noon Police Surgery in cafe 


HunFree the Hunmanby Community Fridge will operate on Monday morning 9.30am to 11.00am and Friday afternoon 1pm to 3pm when tea/coffee will be available. 

12noon Every Friday in the Spring cafe - Community Meal. Further information of all cafe activities can be found on the church website or Spring cafe Facebook page.


There is a donate button on our church website.

If you shop with Amazon you will also see a link to the Amazon Smile option. If you choose All Saints Church as your charity and shop using Amazon Smile (same selection and pricing) we will receive 0.5% of the purchase price.

Every blessing,


The Vicarage 
6 Northgate 
Y014 0NT
Tel. 01723 448351

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