Cafe Church runs concurrent to our 11.00 Church Service on the FOURTH Sunday of each Month in Term Time .
CAFE CHURCH meets in our Spring Cafe, just behind the Church, and is an ideal service for those who are not so familiar with church and services yet want to explore life and faith in the 21st century. It is very informal and always starts with piece of cake and a cup of coffee or tea for the adults and squash for the children. This is a relaxed time to say 'hello' to those you know and those you may not yet know.
Adults watch a NOOMA DVD which is a short talk using film and photos to help explain a simple message which is relevant to today.
The children have their own activities, usually messy and noisy, which include a wide range of things to do and make while learning something from the Bible.
When the main morning service is at All Saints ( we alternate the 4th Sunday church service with the Methodist Church) the children eagerly join the main church congregation at the start of the service.
We do ask that children UNDER 14 coming to this service must be accompanied by and adult who will stay for the service with the child.
So why not come and see for yourself how different and good church can be. We look forward to seeing you soon.