All Saints Church


The Testers back from Peru 27 August

Hello everyone,

We hope you will have picked up from our link letters about our recent travel plans. We are now in the UK having survived quarantine hotel and have had a couple of weeks enjoying time with family. We've had our first Covid vaccinations and are adjusting to life here. The girls are getting ready to start a term of school here after 18 months out of the classroom in Peru and are making the most of the summer holidays. Over the coming months we are looking forward to seeing many of you and will be in touch again very soon to start to arrange visits around the country.

We wanted to write to you all now to let you know we had arrived safely and to let you know about two events coming up soon that you might be interested in.

Celebrating 222 years of CMS: Walking 22.2 miles (and a bit!)

This year CMS is celebrating 222 years since its founding and as part of those celebrations some of the CMS team are walking 22.2 miles (and a bit more) to raise money to support CMS's amazing mission work around the world. Hopefully all of us together will also walk a total of 222 miles. Paul is one of those walking on the 3rd of September and if you would like to sponsor him and the team you can do so by visiting Thank you if you can support CMS and Paul in this way.

Adelante: Mission with a Latin American flavour

Paul is also part of the team preparing and hosting the CMS Adelante conference which is a chance to hear more about mission in and from Latin America. You are very welcome and invited to join the conference for 2 hours each day on Friday 17th and Saturday 18th September. For more details and to sign up for free just visit and do please share with others who might be interested. We'll hope to see some of you there.

We send our love and prayers to you all and hope to see you soon!

Paul, Sarah, Sophia, Emily and Annabelle

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