Rainy season is here in Uganda! And spring has sprung in the UK! With the end of one season comes the start of another…
The first rains of the rainy season always come after a long, barren dry season. During the dry season, it feels like the place is getting hotter and hotter, dustier and dustier, day by day, until you are so used to constantly sweating and fretting in your sleep that you almost forget what it’s like to feel chilly. Then, just when you are beginning to doubt whether it will ever rain again, the rains come. The boys’ response is usually to spontaneously run outside and do a ‘rain run’, as they zig zag back and forth in the rain. Then before long the flowers start to come out!
And this year, if possible, we’ve felt this joy more keenly than ever before, because we now know that this will be the last time the children will be doing their ‘rain run’ for the new rainy season.